Here’s how it works
Here’s how it works
Connect your data
Easily integrate your personal income
and expense data with TaxLeopard
Ask a question relating to your taxes
Simply type in your tax-related
question and press send
Receive an answer
ChatGPT uses advanced language
processing to provide you with
a fast and accurate response
Get more information
If you need more information or
clarification, just ask and ChatGPT
will be happy to assist.
Connect your data
Easily integrate your
personal income and
expense data with TaxLeopard
Ask a question relating
to your taxes
Simply type in your tax-related question and press send
Receive an answer
ChatGPT uses advanced language processing to provide you with a fast and accurate response
Get more information
If you need more information or clarification, just ask and ChatGPT will be happy to assist.
Personalized and
AI-powered tax solution
Your income and expense data will inform ChatGPT’s responses, ensuring that you receive the most accurate and relevant information possible.
Connect your data and try TaxLeopard and ChatGPT today to see how AI-powered tax assistance can revolutionize the way you approach your finances.
Focus on making more money!
See a snapshot of your business all in the one spot. Keep track of your vehicle logbook and maximise your deductions.
TaxLeopard and
ChatGPT is for…
…individuals, small business owners, tax professionals, and anyone looking for fast and accurate information about taxes.
TaxLeopard together with ChatGPT gives me comfort knowing that I can turn to someone and ask questions relating to my personal situation without having to book an appointment with a traditional accountant.
David S, Tradie