As tax time approaches, many Australians ponder, “How can I avoid contribution tax?” Superannuation plays a crucial role in retirement savings, making it essential to manage your super account efficiently. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) sets guidelines for contributions tax, and navigating them wisely is vital to prevent significant impacts on your super balance. This guide aims to simplify complex jargon like ‘deductible contribution’ and ‘non-concessional contributions cap’ into actionable tips. By understanding before-tax and after-tax contributions, and their taxation at your marginal rate, you can strategically enhance your super while reducing the amount of tax you pay on super contributions.

What is Contribution Tax?

In Australia, contribution tax is a crucial aspect of managing superannuation funds. It’s a tax imposed on the contributions made to your super fund, which varies depending on the type of contribution. Understanding how this tax works and its implications on your superannuation is essential for effective financial planning. This tax plays a significant role in how you contribute to your super and can influence your long-term savings.

  • Concessional Contributions: These include salary sacrifice contributions and certain employer contributions, taxed at a lower rate of 15% by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
  • Concessional Contribution Cap: There’s an annual limit on how much you can contribute at this concessional rate. Exceeding this cap can lead to additional taxes.
  • Non-Concessional Contributions: These are made from after-tax income and are not subject to contribution tax if they stay within the non-concessional contribution cap.
  • Tax Benefits: Understanding the balance between concessional and non-concessional contributions is key to maximizing tax benefits.
  • Financial Planning: Keeping track of these contributions is essential for complying with taxation laws, particularly during the financial year.
  • Tax Offset Opportunities: For some Australian taxpayers, certain types of super contributions can lead to tax offsets, reducing their overall tax burden.

This system encourages saving for retirement and offers tax-efficient ways to grow your super fund. Staying informed about these rules is important, as they directly impact your superannuation and financial health.

5 Tips to Avoid Contribution Tax

Tip 1: Understand Contribution Caps

Understanding the contributions cap is crucial for managing taxes on superannuation. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) sets annual caps on both concessional (before-tax) and non-concessional (after-tax) contributions. Exceeding these caps can lead to excess contributions tax. Employer super contributions, personal deductible contributions, and salary sacrifice arrangements count as concessional contributions and attract a 15% tax, typically lower than most marginal tax rates. Knowing your total superannuation balance is essential for planning contributions and avoiding excess contribution tax.

Tip 2: Make Non-Concessional Contributions

Contributions from your after-tax income are non-concessional contributions. They are attractive because they do not incur contributions tax when you pay them into your super account, as long as they stay within the non-concessional contributions cap. These contributions increase your super balance without changing your taxable income. If your super balance falls below the total superannuation balance threshold, this method is particularly beneficial. It allows you to contribute substantially without facing extra tax.

Tip 3: Salary Sacrifice into Super

Salary sacrificing into super involves contributing a part of your pre-tax salary to your super account, reducing your taxable income. This strategy not only helps save tax at your marginal tax rate but also boosts your retirement savings. The sacrificed amount is considered a concessional contribution and is taxed at a concessional rate of 15% in the super fund, which is often lower than your personal tax rate. However, it’s crucial to ensure that these contributions, combined with your employer’s super guarantee contributions, don’t exceed the concessional cap.

Tip 4: Utilize the Government Co-Contribution Scheme

The Government Co-Contribution Scheme is designed to help low to middle-income earners save for retirement. If you make personal contributions to your super from your after-tax income and meet the eligibility criteria, the government contributes a certain amount. This scheme not only increases your super balance but also provides a tax-free boost to your retirement savings. The exact amount of government co-contribution depends on your income and the amount of your personal contributions.

Tip 5: Consider Spouse Contributions

Contributing to your spouse’s super can be a smart tax-saving strategy. If your spouse has a low income or is not working, making spouse contributions can earn you a tax offset, reducing your tax. These contributions are also beneficial for balancing super between partners, which is essential for maximizing superannuation benefits in the long run. By contributing to your spouse’s super, you’re effectively increasing your household’s retirement savings while taking advantage of potential tax benefits.


In mastering how to avoid contribution tax, knowledge is power. By understanding concepts such as super guarantee contributions, concessional super contributions, and the low-income super tax offset, you take a big step towards efficient financial planning. It’s essential to make informed decisions about contributions to your super, whether they’re personal contributions or employer contributions. Remember, the goal is not just to save tax but to optimize your total superannuation balance for a comfortable retirement. How will you apply these strategies to enhance your retirement savings and reduce your tax liability?


1. What is Division 293 tax and who does it affect?
Division 293 tax applies to high-income earners, taxing their concessional super contributions at an additional rate to the standard contributions tax.

2. Can I carry forward unused concessional contributions to save tax?
Yes, you can carry forward unused concessional contributions for five years, which can help manage tax on superannuation contributions efficiently.

3. What is a super tax offset and how can it reduce tax?
Based on your income, super tax offsets like the low-income super tax offset can reduce your super contribution tax.

4. How do employer contributions affect my super and tax?
Employer super contributions are considered concessional contributions and are taxed in the fund at 15%, subject to caps and your tax file number being provided.

5. Are there any tax advantages to making personal deductible contributions?
Making personal deductible contributions can reduce your taxable income and provide tax advantages, but it’s important to stay within the concessional cap.