Losing an ABN can halt business operations, leaving sole traders unable to access legal benefits or issue proper invoices. According to the Australian Tax Office, an inactive ABN could result in penalties or missing out on crucial opportunities. While it’s possible to reactivate ABN, many traders find the process unclear.

Reactivating an ABN starts by using the ABN Lookup tool to verify status and apply through government portals. A physical address and contact number must be provided correctly for successful reactivation. This guide walks sole traders through reactivating an ABN step-by-step, ensuring businesses resume trading smoothly.

For hassle-free ABN registration, use TaxLeopard’s free service. This one-stop accounting software provides CPA accountants specifically tailored for self-employed individuals and contractors in Australia.

Why is an Active ABN Essential for Sole Traders?

Maintaining an active Australian Business Number (ABN) remains vital for sole traders in Australia. An active ABN allows business operations to continue smoothly and ensures compliance with tax obligations through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Without it, accessing financial and governmental benefits becomes challenging, and business operations could face disruption. An ABN lookup confirms active status, while reactivation or reapplying becomes essential if a cancellation occurs. Managing an ABN carefully allows business details to remain accurate and tax requirements to be met efficiently.

Accessing Government and Financial Benefits with an ABN

Possessing an active ABN unlocks significant government and financial advantages:

Government Benefits:

  • Registering for the Australian Business Register (ABR) allows government engagement.
  • Applying for grants and assistance programs becomes straightforward.
  • Eligibility for government incentives and subsidies is ensured.
  • Regulatory compliance allows legitimate business operations.
  • Partnerships with government organizations are more accessible.

Financial Benefits:

  • Business transactions involving GST can be facilitated.
  • Opening a business bank account requires an ABN.
  • Securing credit from financial institutions becomes easier.
  • Managing employee superannuation obligations is simplified.
  • Collaborating with other businesses establishes credibility.

Requirements for Reactivating a Cancelled ABN

To reactivate a cancelled ABN, check if it meets eligibility requirements. Visit the ABR website to verify the ABN has been cancelled. Prepare business details, including the tax file number and Australian business number. Fill out the appropriate forms on the Australian Business Register or the ATO website. Confirm that tax obligations are up to date. If the application is approved, ensure compliance with current regulations to keep the ABN active.

Reviewing Past ABN Status:

Use ABN Lookup on the Australian Business Register to determine if the ABN is still active. If cancelled, re-apply within 28 days or request a new ABN for your sole trader business.

Steps to Reactivate ABN

Step 1: Check the Status

Confirm the status using the ABN Lookup Tool. If the ABN is inactive, identify the reason for cancellation and ensure eligibility for reactivation. Review cancelled ABNs carefully before proceeding, especially if trading will resume soon. Understanding the cause will help ensure compliance and correct errors.

Step 2: Gather Relevant Documents

Prepare all required details for reactivation, including existing ABN records, business address, and GST registration information. Verify if reactivation is feasible or if a new application is needed. Provide correct information and ensure each document is up-to-date for smooth processing.

Step 3: Submit Reactivation Forms

Complete and submit the required forms through the Australian Business Register or an online legal service like Lawpath. Ensure every field aligns with the existing business structure, including any state or territory regulations. Submit the forms within 28 days and adhere to the instructions to prevent rejection.

Step 4: Update Information

After reactivation, update business details, including contact number, trading name, and tax obligations. Ensure that transactions are completed with the new, active ABN. Check compliance obligations regularly with a tax professional and maintain accurate records to avoid future cancellations and legal issues.

Considerations After Reactivating Your ABN

  • Ensure that the physical address and contact number are updated on ABN records. Also, accurately report tax return details and goods and services tax information. Staying compliant will help in maintaining a good standing.
  • To keep the ABN active, file business reports on time, update information through the ABN Lookup tool, and consult tax professionals if necessary. Regularly checking your ABN status ensures business operations are legal and uninterrupted.


To reactivate ABN, follow accurate steps to ensure legal compliance. Use the ABN Lookup tool and update essential information like the physical address, tax return, and goods and services tax to swiftly reactivate your ABN. Consult a qualified professional to clarify doubts and keep your ABN active whether it’s for a short time or long-term trading. When considering these steps, will your business take action promptly to update its inactive ABN?

Let TaxLeopard handle the complexities, so you can focus on your business. Start your ABN registration with TaxLeopard today!


1. What happens if trading continues without an active ABN?

It violates Australian tax laws and can result in penalties or fines.

2. Can an inactive ABN be used in transactions?

No, an inactive ABN prevents legal trading and proper record-keeping.

3. Do business activities need to resume before ABN reactivation?

Not necessarily, but traders should have plans to resume soon.

4. Can an ABN be reactivated if dormant for a short time?

Yes, providing accurate updates helps reactivate an ABN after dormancy.

5. Should a qualified professional be consulted for ABN reactivation?

It is advisable to consult a tax professional for detailed guidance.